Once they have completed this tutorial, the player is tasked with finding the G.E.C.K the Garden of Eden Creation Kit, in order to save their village from starvation. the direct descendant of the Vault Dweller, the player must complete the Temple of Trials. In order to prove that he/she is indeed The Chosen One i.e. This village, which was home to the Vault Dweller after he was exiled from Vault 13, has suffered the worst drought in recent memory. Story Vault Boyįallout 2 begins in the tribal village of Arroyo. government) have shown themselves and have set up bases on the West Coast, the drug known as Jet has been invented and certain industries have started to flourish, namely the drug and porn industries. Much has changed in that 80 years the New Republic of California has come into authority, The Enclave (the remnants of the U.S.

Like the original Fallout, Fallout 2 takes place on the West Coast of the United States in what is modern day California. It takes place 80 years after the end of Fallout, and 164 years after the nuclear war which destroyed the world.
This movie dealt with post-nuclear war survival with "Dogmeat" apparently conversing with Vic as they both scour the wasteland for food and women.Fallout 2 is the sequel to the original Fallout. The namesake for "Dogmeat" is Vic's canine companion, "Blood" (also called "Dogmeat" by Vic) in the movie "A Boy and His Dog" (1975) starring Don Johnson and based on the novel by the famed sci-fi author Harlan Ellison.Later, it was applied to the current non-player character Dogmeat, either by Tim Cain or Jason Anderson. The name was initially applied to Jacob's dog in the Hub (previously called Dogshit). Scott Bennie was the designer who came up with the name "Dogmeat" for the in-game character.He was dressed all in black leather, like that's a good idea in the desert, and carried a shotgun." The description matches all of Max's characteristics in Mad Max 2. Phil confirms the point above when he describes Dogmeat's former owner in the original Fallout: "Oh, the guy was tall, dark-haired with a little graying around the edges.Both movies featured a lone wanderer and his dog-companion in a post-apocalyptic world, and in the latter movie, the main character uses "Dogmeat" as a disparaging nickname for his companion. Dogmeat is a reference to Mad Max 2 (aka The Road Warrior) and A Boy and His Dog.The first Dogmeat appears only in Fallout and Fallout 2. If Katja and Dogmeat are both following the Vault Dweller, Katja will say "I hate dogs" repeatedly.Phil and the dog were used before in Scrapheap.Unlike humanoid non-player characters, Dogmeat cannot wear armor, equip weapons, or use items, although he can be administered stimpaks by the player character and has a Damage Resistance & Damage Threshold equal to that of leather armor.Dogmeat can be obtained as a follower in both games regardless of the player character's general Karma though the Fallout 2 Dogmeat will attack a player if they have a low enough NCR rep.According to Fallout Bible 0, Dogmeat joins the Vault Dweller on December 30 2161.He was also given normal scripting commands like the other non-player characters in the game, and this means the player character can command Dogmeat the same as they would command, for example, Sulik. It is not uncommon to see Dogmeat move obscene distances and attack five to six times during his turn. Dogmeat was made even more powerful than his past version.If he is dismissed and the player character's NCR reputation is low enough, he might charge at them. When not in the player character's party, Dogmeat fights for the NCR. Dogmeat will remember the Vault Dweller from Fallout and join the PC. He can be recruited by the Chosen One, by simply showing their Vault 13 jumpsuit (in other words, undress) and speaking to the dog. Dogmeat can be found in the special encounter, Café of Broken Dreams.